We are Kells Domiciliary Care!

We are Kells Domiciliary Care!

Kells Care

We put together this short video together to help show what our home care agency is all about…

We are Kells Domiciliary Care!

Providing Premium Home Care Services For Over 30 Years

We ensure that our clients’ physical, psychological, emotional, cultural and spiritual care are met.

We share the belief that the happiness and wellbeing of our clients and their relatives, and our staff, are our constant overriding priority.

Our organisation, for over 30 years, has been supplying high quality care for clients in their own homes.  And, we provide care staff for residential and nursing homes too.

Kells always treats our clients as individuals, and provide care services appropriate to their individual needs.

We endeavour to communicate appropriately with clients, their relatives, and our staff.  We listen to their concerns and act on them promptly.

At Kells, we strive to promote quality of life, independence, dignity, and freedom of choice, through the provision of high quality personal care and domiciliary support.

The value of each and every client is recognised and respected. Each client to be cared for will be consulted directly or by use of his or her advocate, in decisions over the provision, extent, and timing of any care planned. This early and ongoing involvement with each client is essential in the planning, delivery, monitoring and review of services.



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