Video: Lifestyle changes more effective than medication for fighting dementia?

Video: Lifestyle changes more effective than medication for fighting dementia?

Video: Lifestyle changes more effective than medication for fighting dementia?

In this short video, we show you the lifestyle changes you can make to help fight dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.



No cure for Alzheimer’s disease currently exists, but there are lifestyle changes we can make to fight dementia and Alzheimer’s.

As we age, our risk of being effected by Alzheimer’s increases.  After 65 years old, the risk of developing Alzheimer’s doubles roughly every 5 years. It is estimated that over the age of 65, dementia effects every one in 14 people.  And that over the age of 80, it effects one in six people.

Through this short video, we show you lifestyle changes you can make to fight dementia.

Alzheimer’s causes its effect on those who suffer with the disease.  It interferes with neurons in the brain.  It speeds up the death of neurons.  This happens anyway in a healthy brain as it ages.  But Alzheimer’s accelerates the process.  This causes a loss of brain function.  Impacting memory, communication skills, and logic and reasoning.  With Alzheimer’s, a plaque is formed in the brain.  This causes an obstruction between neurons and cells.


Alzheimer’s also blocks glucose from reaching the brain.  There is inflammation, low oxygen getting to brain cells.  Along with poor blood flow.

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